Studies in Phenomenology

Publication Ethics

Peer review policy
Authorship policy
Conflict of interests policy
Privacy policy
Fee for publication policy

Policy regarding the readers
Author's duties
Editorial board duties
Ethics policy

Editorial policy of the Journal is based on the recommendations of international organizations on the ethics of scientific publications:

All the participants of the preparation for publication in the Journal: authors, reviewers, Editorial Board members, publishing house representatives should follow the standards of the publication ethics set forth below. In case any malpractice of the principles is suspected, the Editorial Board will follow the instructions of COPE.

The scientific peer-reviewed journal "Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology" is a non-commercial publication.

The journal's policy regarding the readers:
  • The Editorial Board seeks to constantly improve the journal.
  • The Editorial Board disposes of procedures aimed at assuring the quality of scientific publications.
  • The Editorial Board is faithful to the principles of scientific honesty.
  • The Editorial Board assures that all the publications are refereed by well-qualified specialists.
  • The Editorial Board assures that all the materials published by its members are refereed on equal terms as those by other authors.
  • The Editorial Board makes efforts to broaden the base of reviewers.
  • The journal only publishes original studies and articles.
  • The journal is distributed to the leading university and research centers in Russia and Europe.
  • The journal is on open access. All the content of the journal is available, as a rule, immediately upon publication.
  • The journal is available online in the PDF format. Therefore Adobe Reader has to be installed on the computer.
The author's duties:
  • Authorship statement. Journal’s authors must sign a License Agreement before publication.
  • The Editorial Board requests that authors who submit their articles to "Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology" do not submit the same articles to other journals at the same time.
  • Republishing a paper is possible by way of exception, for example in case it is published in a different language and only with the copyright holder's consent.
  • The author is obliged to participate in peer-review process.
  • The author accepts responsibility for evaluations, views and attitudes expounded in the paper. The Editorial Board, the Editor-in-chief and members of the Advisory Board assume no liability for the author's attitudes and reserve the right to share them or not.
  • The author assures that the results of research presented in the submitted papers are original. If some ideas or expressions are borrowed from other authors, the title and author of the source should be indicated. Any form of plagiarism (including citing without indicating the source or appropriating another person's results of research) is unacceptable.
  • Persons who significantly contributed to the research should be indicated as the coauthors of the paper. It is unacceptable to indicate as coauthors persons who did not take part in the research.
  • If the author finds grave mistakes or inaccuracies in the paper after its submission or publication, he or she should inform the Editorial Board.
  • Authors send their texts to the electronic address of the Editor-in-chief in attachment which includes two files:
    1. information on the author
      — institutional affiliation
      — scientific interests
      — recent publications
    2. the manuscript proper
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to decline an article if it does not meet the formatting requirements. The authors are invited to read the corresponding requirements. When formatting their articles, they may consult the last issue of the journal for guidelines.
  • The authors are asked to consider carefully the reviewers’ comments. If the article is accepted for publishing, assuming that it is duly revised and approved by the reviewers, the authors are asked to send the revised version of the article and their reactions to the reviewers’ comments in a separate file.
The reviewers' responsibilities and the procedure of reviewing:
  • All the texts submitted to the Editorial Board are peer-reviewed.
  • Texts are refereed by two independent reviewers. Both members of the Editorial Board and independent experts can be invited to write a review. For the sake of impartiality all the articles, after being selected by the Editor-in-chief, are subjected to double-blind reviewing, the author's identity remaining unknown both to reviewers and to Editorial Board members; the reviewer also remains anonymous to the authors.
  • The articles to be reviewed should be anonymous, all the references to the author's other works being concealed. Information on the author and his or her electronic address should be indicated in a different file.
  • Reviewers and Editorial Board members should not show papers sent for scientific assessment to third parties.
  • Plagiarism check is part of the referees’ duties. The referee is to specifically indicate the result of plagiarism check and the way it was conducted.
  • Reviewed articles should be treated confidentially.
  • The Editorial Board assures that the authors will be responded to in a timely manner (from one month to three months).
  • After the procedure of reviewing is over, the author is notified in written, whether:
    — his or her article is accepted for publication
    — it is accepted on condition of introducing some corrections
    — it is declined
  • Reviewers are required to keep the reviewed papers secret.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to comment on the degree of originality of the article being refereed and are obliged to check the possibility of plagiarism.
  • Reviewers should provide an impartial and well-founded assessment of the results of research expounded in the paper.
  • Unpublished data contained in manuscripts under analysis should not be used for the reviewer's personal advantage.
  • Scientific translations and commentaries are published only with copyright and, therefore, with copyright holders' consent. The authors of translations are to obtain the necesssary copyright from copyright holders. The Editorial Board assumes the editing work on translations. Scientific translations are published only after being edited, reviewed and revised.
  • Information about the reviewer and the text of the review are sent to the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY) in a closed access for users. The reviews are taken into account in the profile of the scientist registered in the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY). At the request of the reviewer, the reviews can be published in the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY) in open access.
The responsibilities of the Editorial Board:
  • The Editorial Board commits itself to selecting and inviting competent reviewers with no possible conflict of interest with a given author.
  • The Editorial Board assures that all the materials published by its members are reviewed on equal terms with those by other authors.
  • The Editorial Board assures double anonymity in peer-review and the impartiality of review.
  • The Editorial Board publishes full requirements to the authors in every issue as well as on the website of the journal. The rules are regularly renewed, with references to recommendations to authors by international associations being provided.
  • The Editorial Board announces online the dates and deadlines of submission of articles for the next issue.
  • Decisions on accepting or rejecting an article are made based on its scientific significance, originality, clarity, data trustworthiness and its conformity to the subject matter of the journal.
  • Decisions concerning publication are not revoked unless new circumstances arise.
  • The Editorial Board publishes only original studies and articles that were not previously published in whole or in part and were not submitted to another journal.
  • Book-reviews and announces submitted are analyzed at the Editorial Board meetings and are not peer-reviewed. A book sent to the editorial office will not be "automatically" reviewed without further contact with the author.
  • The Editorial Board seeks to broaden the base of reviewers and assures that it is representative of the general orientation of the journal.
  • Reviewers are selected and invited from a wide range of institutions.
  • Privacy statement. Information about the authors (surname, name, family name, affiliation, e-mail, contact number), which is provided by them for publication in the journal, is available only for the Editorial Board. The following data is published for the convenience of the authors with the aim of the full and correct account of publications and their citation by the corresponding bibliography companies and providing the possibility of contacting the authors ans the scientific society. Personal information provided by the authors in addition to the enumerated below include additional e-mails and phones. These will be used only for contacting the authors in the process of preparing the publication.
    The Editorial Board may not transmit this information to the third party, who can use in for some other purposes.
The ethical policy of the journal:
  • The journal is willing to publish revisions, explanations, apologies and refutations when necessary.
  • The Editorial Board bounds itself not to leave without an answer any claims or complaints regarding the submitted manuscripts or published materials and to take all measures to restore rights if a conflict situation arises.
  • The Editorial Board abides by the  Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and by the principles of the Comittee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • All the authors are equal in their rights as well as duties. The Editorial Board does not pursue the waiver policy for any particular group of authors.
  • The Editorial Board is faithful to the principles of intellectual honesty.
  • The Editorial Board assures that no unpublished materials from submitted or declined papers will be used by its members for personal advantage or passed to third parties.
  • When editing special issues of the journal the Editorial Board reserves the right to change the structure of the journal (e. g. to reduce the number of sections) and to invite co-editors for preparing a thematic issue.
  • Fee for publication statement. No publication fee is charged for papers published in "Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology". Article processing charges are not applied. Publication of articles and other materials in the journal does not entail any royalty to the authors thereof.
  • Conflict of interests statement. Reviewers and authors are required to reveal any possible conflict of interests before taking up the review. In case of revealing of concealment of information regarding any possible conflict of interests and (or) providing the unauthentic information, the author may be refused in publication. The Editorial Board assures the absnet of any conflict of interests during the peer-review procedure.
    In case of conflict of interests the Editorial Board assures to take any measure possible to eliminate it.
Natalia Artemenko


Natalia Artemenko
PhD in Philosophy

St. Petersburg State University, Russia

CV | ORCID: 0000-0002-3484-758X | current work

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Associate Editor

Andrei Patkul
PhD in Philosophy

St. Petersburg State University, Russia

CV | ORCID: 0000-0003-3042-6785 | current work

  • PR, contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Section "Research" (articles in Russian), section "Events"
    section "Translations and Commentaries"
  • Responsible for the Editorial Policy of the journal
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Executive secretary

Aleksandra Pozdeeva
PhD student

St. Petersburg State University, Russia


  • Section "Book reviews", section "Events", section "Discussions"
  • Organization of the presentations and other activities
  • Distribution / mailing of the journal
  • Resposible for the Information Policy of the journal
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Assistant secretary

Mariia Stenina
MA student

National research university "Higher school of economics" (HSE) (Moscow), Russia


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Hans Rainer Sepp

Hans Rainer Sepp
DSc in Philosophy

Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

CV | ORCID: 0000-0002-3797-6184 |current work

  • Contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Consulting

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Karel Novotný

Karel Novotný
DSc in Philosophy

Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

CV |ORCID: 0000-0002-2164-5348 |current work

  • Contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Consulting

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Alexander Schnell

Alexander Schnell
DSc in Philosophy

University of Wuppertal, Germany

CV | ORCID: 0000-0001-6596-2858 | current work

  • Contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Consulting

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Fedor Stanzhevskiy
PhD in Philosophy

St. Petersburg Technical University (Technological Institute), Russia

CV |ORCID: 0000-0003-0297-2930

  • Section "Research" (articles in French and English), section "Translations and Commentaries"
  • Section of the web-site in English
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Georgy Chernavin
PhD in Philosophy

National research university
"Higher school of economics", Moscow
, Russia

CV | ORCID: 0000-0002-4853-7494 |current work

  • Section "Research" (articles in German), section "Translations and Commentaries"
  • PR, contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Evgenia Shestova
PhD in Philosophy

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

CV | ORCID: 0000-0003-4246-9256 |

  • Section "Research" (aarticles in German and English), section "Translations and Commentaries"), section "Translations and Commentaries"
  • PR, contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles

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Andrei Lavruchin

Andrei Laurukhin
PhD in Philosophy

Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany

CV | ORCID: 0000-0003-0832-2111 

  • Section "Research" (articles in German and English), section "Translations and Commentaries"
  • Contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Mikhail Belousov

Mikhail Belousov
PhD in Philosophy

Centre for the Phenomenological Philosophy of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia

CV | ORCID: 0000-0002-9079-6668 

  • Section "Research" (articles in German and English), section "Translations and Commentaries"
  • Contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Svetlana Nikonova

Svetlana Nikonova
DSc in Philosophy

Vaganova Ballet Academy, St Petersburg, Russia

CV | ORCID: 0000-0002-2444-7902

  • Section "Book reviews", section "Events", section "Discussions"
  • Organization of the presentations and other activities
  • Distribution / mailing of the journal
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals
  • Technical support

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Oleg Mukhutdinov

Oleg Mukhutdinov
PhD in Philosophy

Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg), Russia

CV |ORCID: 0000-0003-3618-2574

  • Section "Research" (articles in German), section "Translations and Commentaries", Section "Book reviews"
  • Contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles
  • Monitoring of the periodicals

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Masumi Nagasaka

Masumi Nagasaka
PhD in Philosophy

Waseda University, Japan

CV |ORCID: 0000-0001-9466-063X

  • Section “Research” (articles in French)
  • PR, contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles

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Nicolás Garrera-Tolbert

Nicolás Garrera-Tolbert
PhD in Philosophy

St. Francis College, USA


  • Section “Research” (articles in English)
  • PR, contacts with foreign colleagues, research centers
  • Appraisal of the articles

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ISSN 2311-6986 (Online)
ISSN 2226-5260 (Print)


Studies in phenomenology

The journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” has been published as a peer-reviewed scholarly periodical since 2012. It is published under the auspices of the Institute of Philosophy of the Saint-Petersburg State University and the Central European Institute of philosophy, affiliated with the Charles University and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences. The journal is biannual, all the texts being peer-reviewed and selected by experts.

The discontinuous and disparate development of the phenomenological movement in the USSR and then in Russia has more than once given rise to different editorial projects aimed at promoting phenomenological research and creating a common ground for phenomenological debates. The journal “Horizon. Studies in phenomenology” is designed to become a guide to the world of phenomenological philosophy and related branches of research. Intensifying communication between contemporary phenomenologists, creating a field of relevant discussions and exchange of new ideas are among our main goals.

The periodical is intended for specialists in phenomenology and philosophical hermeneutics as well as for all the readers interested in current philosophical discussions.


Questioning on the essence of phenomenology and its significance as a method of philosophy construed as a strict science, on the meaning of its primary maxim “Back to the things themselves!”, on its “practical turn” and the claim of phenomenology to be “the first philosophy” is still pertinent today. However, certain negative tendencies can be observed in the phenomenological community such as an inclination to formalism, dogmatism, simplification of phenomenological tasks, the very community of phenomenologists risking to turn into a self-enclosed corporation pursuing at best archival and scholastic goals.

In what registers does the phenomenological tradition develop in today’s philosophical space? On the one hand, key problems of phenomenology are deeply studied, such as those of time, relation between temporality and subjectivity, genetic phenomenology, phenomenological justification of metaphysics, regional ontologies and the theological turn in phenomenology. On the other hand, we can witness attempts to apply the phenomenological method proper to the analysis of topics which are not central to traditional phenomenology as such.

Much interest is manifested in post-phenomenological research (first of all, in France) and critique of phenomenology, the comparative analysis of particular problems of philosophical hermeneutics and Anglo-Saxon analytical philosophy. There is also a tendency to integrate phenomenology with other humanistic and scientific disciplines such as cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, narrative philosophy etc., which entails the appearance of a new academic space for discussions. In the English-speaking phenomenology a new current has appeared, largely under Merleau-Ponty’s influence, with phenomenology gaining new opportunities for dialog with psychology and neurosciences. All these topics and branches of research undoubtedly broaden the field of phenomenological work, renewing and actualizing the multifaceted nature of phenomenology itself. Contemporary science is increasingly interdisciplinary and phenomenology is uniquely placed to help overcome the fragmentary character of scientific discourses, so that particular sciences do not lose sight of the whole, of the entire horizon. If phenomenology is still faced with the challenge of grounding the sciences, it cannot respond to it except in dialog with them.

Correspondingly, the Editorial Board of “Horizon. Studies in phenomenology” seeks, on the one hand, to support research in the history of phenomenology and hermeneutics which largely determined the landscape of the past century and on the other — to familiarize the audience with materials related to discussions on the actual situation of the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions and on their relation with analytical philosophy, cognitive sciences, neurosciences, linguistics, semiotics etc. Certainly, we also cannot set aside the history of pre-phenomenological philosophy in so far as it has influenced the formation of the phenomenological movement. A special role is given to papers presenting the results of applied research as examples of applying the phenomenological and hermeneutical methods to describing and analyzing particular works of arts, scientific achievements, social tendencies etc.


Topics of studies and discussions:
  • Current ways of development of phenomenological and hermeneutical research in contemporary philosophical landscape.
  • Models of intensifying phenomenological communication.
  • Phenomenology as an exercise in seeking opportunities for the original phenomenological knowledge to develop in today’s practical experience.
  • Phenomenology in an interdisciplinary space; transcending phenomenology towards adjacent branches of research, working on the borders of phenomenology.
  • Rethinking the place of phenomenology in current human experience and humanistic knowledge.
The goals of the journal correspond to the range of topics supported by the editorial policy of the editorial council and editorial board. They are the following:
  • Studying the background history of phenomenology:
    — In ancient philosophy.
    — In modern philosophy.
    — In German idealism and neokantianism.
    — In Austrian philosophy and above all in F. Brentano’s school.
  • Presenting various aspects of the philosophy of classical phenomenological authors such as E. Husserl, M. Scheler, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre and others with a special focus on the latest studies devoted to their heritage, with their results still unknown to the wide range of readers.
  • Drawing the attention phenomenologists whose works are not yet largely known or called-for in the Russian-language philosophical context. (O. Becker, M. Geiger, R. Ingarden, L. Landgrebe, A. Pfender, A. Reinach, E. Fink, E. Stein and others).
  • Acquainting readers with the findings of the most outstanding living phenomenologists (B. Waldenfels, J.-L. Marion, L. Tengelyi, M. Richir, K. Held and others). Besides that, the editorial board seeks to inform the reader about the most interesting events in the world of today’s phenomenological philosophy such as the activity of phenomenological associations, conferences and colloquia, publications of monographs (in announces and reviews). The editorial board also sees the need of sustaining ongoing discussions between specialists within the phenomenological current.
  • Publishing the results of original studies concerning the basic phenomenological problems such as correcting phenomenological methodology, problems of subjectivity, consciousness, constitution, intentionality, horizontal structure, intuition, language, space and time, embodiment etc.
  • Presenting the outcomes of regional philosophical research done by means of phenomenological methods.
    The priority domains are here the following:
    — Logics and philosophy of language
    — Philosophical psychology
    — Philosophy of nature
    — Philosophy of mathematics
    — Philosophy of science
    — Social philosophy and philosophy of history
    — Philosophical anthropology
    — Practical philosophy
    — Philosophy of art
    — Religious philosophy
  • Delineating a common field of discussion between contemporary phenomenologists and representatives of other important currents of contemporary philosophical thought (hermeneutics, pragmatism, analytic philosophy, structuralism and poststructuralism, critical theory etc.), some of them solidarizing with phenomenology, others subjecting it to criticism. Ultimately, achieving this goal should make it possible to discuss problems common for philosophy in the whole by appealing to various schools of contemporary thought. In case of success such a dialog could help to form an interdisciplinary approach to solving these problems embracing both philosophical and scientific contributions.

The structure of the journal:

The first section — “Research” — contains original articles. When submitting a manuscript, the author conveys the exclusive copyright thereof to the journal. All the materials are published provided that the author agrees with this condition. The journal only publishes original studies and articles. This section includes papers written in Russian, English, German and French (without translation). Authors submitting their texts in languages other than Russian (unless they are native speakers) are asked to have them corrected by a native-speaker.

The second section — “Translations and Commentaries” — presents extracts from classical texts translated into Russian as well as translations of texts written by contemporary scholars in phenomenology and related fields. Publication of translations is conditional on having completed the necessary copyright formalities; consent of copyright holders is required. Translations are published in “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” only if copyright holders’ permission is obtained. Texts are usually followed by exegetic comments. The goal of this section is to discuss archival documents unfamiliar to most readers and present studies and essays by renowned philosophers and scientists.

The third section — “Discussions” — is composed of reports on recent events related to phenomenology which took place in Russia or abroad. It also includes polemics, interviews and reports on conferences. These reviews are meant to be not only purely informational, but analytical as well. The objective of this section is to intensify communication between contemporary phenomenologists and provide a space for discussions on relevant topics.

The fourth section — “Book reviews” — comprises comments or critical opinions on books and monographs on phenomenological themes published within the last 15 years. This section is intended to present noteworthy books, in accordance with the general goal of the journal, which is to cooperate on creating a unified field of thought, communication and exchange of new ideas.

The fifth section — “Events” — contains announcements of forthcoming events such as conferences, seminars, monographs, thesis defenses etc. and reference to web sources and reference materials.

The Editorial Board of the journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” invites all those interested to submit their texts in the afore-mentioned languages. Both Russian and foreign researchers are invited to collaborate.

The authors are invited to send their texts addressed to the Editor-in-chief Natalia Artemenko to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All the texts submitted for publishing in the first section (“Research”) are reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board. In particular cases special experts can be invited. The publication of translations is conditional on having completed the necessary copyright formalities; consent of copyright holders is required. The Editorial Board assumes making all the editorial corrections of translations. All major changes are agreed with authors; however editors reserve the right to publish texts with minor changes without informing the author.

The Editorial Board of the journal brings to the attention of the authors that the submission of their manuscripts implies transferring exclusive copyrights for their publications to the journal. All the texts are published provided that the author accepts this condition. The journal only publishes original articles and studies.

All the relevant materials should be attached to your e-mail. The attachment should contain two separate files:

  1. information on the author, including:
    — scientific affiliation (degree; academic title, if any)
    — institutional affiliation or place of work
    — scientific interests
    — recent publications
    — e-mail address
  2. the manuscript proper

All the materials should be sent in the MS-Word format.

The following materials are accepted for submission: original articles (up to 80 000 printed characters), reviews (up to 20 000 characters), translations (with copyrights), book-reviews on publications which appeared within the last 15 years, reports on scientific events, announces. Articles should be provided with an abstract in English, with the author’s name, the title and 7-9 key words. The rules for formatting papers to be published in “Horizon. Studies in phenomenology” may be found in the section Author Guide.



Studies in Phenomenology

ISSN 2311-6986 (Online)
ISSN 2226-5260 (Print)
Index Catalogue: 39475

Mass media registration certificate ПИ № ФС 77–75574 issued on May 8, 2019.

The Founder of the journal is a Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “St Petersburg State University” and Natalia Artemenko

The journal is indexed in:

SCOPUS | Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection) | DOAJ | CEEOL | CEJSH | ICI | CrossRef | The Philosopher's Index | J-Gate |
MLA International Bibliography | Ulrich | WorldCat | Google Scholar | OAJI |
CyberLeninka | RISC | ResearchBib | Open AIRE | De Gruyter |
IBZ Online | IBR-Online  | Directory of Periodicals | Philosophy Documentation Center | ZDB-network - Staatsbibliothek Berlin |

Editor-in-chief: Natalia Artemenko [Ease, Elsevier, NEICON]



International academic journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” is published under the auspices of the Institute of Philosophy of the St. Petersburg State University. It has been published as a peer-reviewed scholarly periodical since 2012. The journal is published biannually; all the submitted articles are subject to peer-review and selection by experts.

The journal is intended both for specialists in phenomenology and hermeneutics and for all those interested in the current situation in philosophy.

The goal of the journal is to provide and support a common space of communication for researchers working in the field of phenomenology and in related branches of study.



Natalia Artemenko (Russia)
St Petersburg State University

Executive secretary:  

Aleksandra Pozdeeva (Russia)
St Petersburg State University

The Editorial Board:  

Hans Rainer Sepp (Czech Republic)
Charles University in Prague

Karel Novotný (Czech Republic)
Charles University in Prague

Alexander Schnell (Germany)
University of Wuppertal

Georgy Chernavin (Russia)
National research university
"Higher school of economics", Moscow

Evgenia Shestova (Russia)
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

Andrei Patkul (Russia)
St Petersburg State University

Fedor Stanzhevskiy (Russia)
St Petersburg Technical University (Technological Institute)

Andrei Laurukhin (Germany)
Ruhr University of Bochum

Mikhail Belousov (Russia)
Centre for the Phenomenological Philosophy of the Russian
State University for the Humanities, Moscow

Svetlana Nikonova (Russia)
Vaganova Ballet Academy, St Petersburg

Oleg Mukhutdinov (Russia)
Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg

Masumi Nagasaka (Japan)
Waseda University, Tokyo

Nicolás Garrera-Tolbert (USA)
St Francis College, New York

The Advisory Board:  

Nicolas Fernando de Warren (Belgium)
KU Leuven

Hans-Helmuth Gander (Germany)
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg

Michael Gabel (Germany)
University of Erfurt

Jean Grondin (Canada)
University of Montreal

Sebastian Luft (USA)
Marquette University

Dieter Lohmar (Germany)
University of Köln, Director of Husserl-Archive

Victor Molchanov (Russia)
Russian State University for the Humanities

Alexei Savin (Russia)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Jaroslav Slinin (Russia)
St Petersburg State University

Alexander Haardt (Germany)
Ruhr University of Bochum

Peter Trawny (Germany)
University of Wuppertal

Andrew Haas (Russia)
National Research University “Higher School of economics", Moscow

Mikhail Khorkov (Russia)
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences

Natalia Brosova (Russia)
Belgorod National Research University

Danil Razeev (Russia)
Independent Researcher

Annabelle Dufourcq (Netherlands)
Radboud University Nijmegen

Giovanni Stanghellini (Chile)
Diego Portales University, Center for the Study of Phenomenology and Psychiatry

Julia Orlova † (Russia)
St Petersburg State University

Roman Gromov † (Russia)
Southern Federal University

László Tengelyi † (Germany)
University of Wuppertal

Nelly Motroshilova † (Russia)
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


The structure of the journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology”:

The first section — “Research” — contains original articles. The journal only publishes original studies and articles. This section includes papers written in Russian, English, German and French (without translation). Authors submitting their texts in languages other than Russian (unless they are native speakers) are asked to have them corrected by a native-speaker.

The second section — “Translations and Commentaries” — presents extracts from classical texts translated into Russian as well as translations of texts written by contemporary scholars in phenomenology and related fields. Publication of translations is conditional on having completed the necessary copyright formalities; consent of copyright holders is required. Translations are published in “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” only if copyright holders’ permission is obtained. Texts are usually followed by exegetic comments. The goal of this section is to discuss archival documents unfamiliar to most readers and present studies and essays by renowned philosophers and scientists.

The third section — “Discussions” — is composed of reports on recent events related to phenomenology which took place in Russia or abroad. It also includes polemics, interviews and reports on conferences. These reviews are meant to be not only purely informational, but analytical as well. The objective of this section is to intensify communication between contemporary phenomenologists and provide a space for discussions on relevant topics.

The fourth section — “Book reviews” — comprises comments or critical opinions on books and monographs on phenomenological themes published within the last 15 years. This section is intended to present noteworthy books, in accordance with the general goal of the journal, which is to cooperate on creating a unified field of thought, communication and exchange of new ideas.

The fifth section — “Events” — contains announcements of forthcoming events such as conferences, seminars, monographs, thesis defenses etc. and reference to web sources and reference materials.


When editing special issues of the journal the Editorial Board reserves the right to change the structure of the journal (e. g. to reduce the number of sections) and to invite co-editors for preparing a thematic issue.

The Editorial Board of the journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” invites all those interested to submit their texts in the afore-mentioned languages. Both Russian and foreign researchers are invited to collaborate.

The authors are invited to send their texts addressed to the Editor-in-chief Natalia Artemenko to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more detailed information on the goals and objectives of the journal, see the Manifesto.

The format instruction for papers to be submitted to “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” can be found in the section Author Guide. We wish to bring to the attention of the authors that the Editorial Board may decline a manuscript if it does not conform to the format requirements of the journal. When formatting their papers, the authors may consult the last issue of the journal for guidelines.

The explanation of our Editorial Policy can be found in the section Publication Ethics.

The journal is distributed to the libraries, leading university and research centers of Europe and Russia.