Studies in Phenomenology

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Author: Jaroslava Vydrová
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  214-231
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-214-231 PDF (Downloads: 3472)

This study derives from the genealogy of phenomenological and cubistic aims and their thematic interests at the beginning of the 20th century in the Central-European milieu. In the first part, we observe common and close questions of Husserl’s philosophy on the one side and the new artistic initiative of cubists on the other. This level of observation and comparison is in the second part recognized and deepened thanks to the analyses of Czech philosophers (Bayerová, Patočka, Mathauser), theoreticians (Vlček, Kramář, Lamač and others) and works of cubists themselves (Kubišta, Filla, Hofman and others). The philosophical scope of the consideration also opens the principal question — which is the topic of the third part of the study — of the intertwining of phenomenological and cubistic methods (epoché, reduction and pictorial elaboration). Because it is not one unitary style, Cubism brings with it a complicated interpretative task: in relation to this, we present the polemic concerning the use of polyperspectivity and geometrisation; thanks to phenomenology, their deeper meaning can be revealed. We identify as phenomenological tendencies in cubistic works of art, their claim to liberate perception, to create pure forms and to refuse the symbolic, representative and imitative function of art. We analyse these questions with respect to the creative possibilities of the subject/artist as well as the pictorial/ perceptive character of the world.

Key words
Husserl, Czech cubism, Central-European philosophy, phenomenological method, perception, object, work of art.


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Author: Vedran Grahovac
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  194-213
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-194-213 PDF (Downloads: 3262)

In this text I suggest the possibility of the strategic-philosophical closeness between Husserl and Kracauer, by closely reading Husserl’s Third Logical Investigation and Kracauer’s essay «The Mass Ornament». Although the both thinkers come from the traditionally different and often mutually opposing philosophical schools, neither of them simply dismisses or crosses out the position they criticize. To the contrary, I propose that both thinkers exaggerate the seeming self-evidentiality of the phenomenon they analyze. In the Third Logical Investigation Husserl rearticulates the whole-part relation as it is conceived within the formal ontology and psychologistic logic. The connection between parts is available to us only as the relational tension, which is «accumulated» in the mutuality between the irreparably self-enclosed parts. Fusion is therefore a modification in the unfolding of the relation between parts, where every «term in relation» conditions another one through its own positional completion, while being conditioned by another term. The phenomenological analysis, which is conducted through the intensification of the fixity of the above-mentioned poles, is «measured» by the inability of these poles to be self-evidentially isolated and subsequently reconciled. In the second part of my essay I pay attention to Kracauer’s suggestion that the vitality of the mass ornament is reflected in the contextual insignificance of its parts. Kracauer addresses the problem of mass depersonalization through the close and sarcastic inspection of the role of abstract rationality in the capitalist mode of production. This close inspection adopts the strategy of exaggeration, where the critical distance must not be considered beyond its ability to disclose the self- obscuring apparatus of the mass performances and spectacles. This disclosure, as Kracuaer suggests, must therapeutically lead through the center of the mass ornament, and not away from it.

Key words
Husserl, Kracauer, wholes and parts, Logical Investigations, phenomenology, Critical Theory, phenomenological analysis.


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  • Husserl, E. (2001b). Logical Investigations. Vol. 2. London – New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Kracauer, S. (1995). The Mass Ornament: Weimar Essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Lampert, J. (1995). Synthesis and Backward Reference in Husserl’s Logical Investigations. Dordrecht – Boston, MA – London: Kluwer Academic Publishing.
  • Sokolowski, R. (1968). The Logic of Parts and Wholes in Husserl’s Investigations. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 4(4), 537-553.
  • Varga, P. (2010). Psychology as Positive Herritage of Husserl’s Phenomenological Philosophy. Studia Pheanomenologica X, 101-127.

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Author: Mikhail Khorkov
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  183-193
Language: German
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-183-193 PDF (Downloads: 3063)

This article is written in the form of a brief research note and reports on the role and significance of the reception of Max Scheler’s phenomenological philosophy of values in the axiology of Polish philosopher Tadeusz H. Czeżowski (1889-1981) and in the works of his Russian student Larissa A. Chuhina (1913-2002), who played an important role in the studies in philosophical ideas of Max Scheler in Russia and Latvia during the Soviet period. Particular attention is paid to the fact that due to the influence of Czeżowski Chuhina interpreted Max Scheler not so much as one of the founders of philosophical anthropology, but primarily as proposer of the original phenomenological theory of values. The emphasis is also made on a significant modification which Max Scheler’s philosophy of values experienced in axiology of Czeżowski and Chuhina.

Key words
Max Scheler, theory of values, phenomenology, axiology, Polish philosophy of the 20th century, Tadeusz H. Czeżowski, history of reception of phenomenological theories in Russia and Latvia, Larissa A. Chuhina.


  • Chuhina, L. A. (1966). Fenomenologicheskaya aksiologiya Maksa Schelera [Pheno­menological Axiology of Max Scheler]. In A.G. Kharchev (Ed.), Problema tsennosti v filosofii [Value Problem in Philosophy] (181-193). Moscow – Leningrad: Nauka. (in Russian).
  • Chuhina, L. A. (1968). Problema lichnosti v aksiologii Maksa Schelera [Problem of the Person in Max Scheler’s Axiology]. In Uchenyye Zapiski Tartusskogo Universiteta. Trudy po filosofii XI [Scientists Notes the University of Tartu. Works on Philosophy XI], (184-205). Tartu. (in Russian).
  • Chuhina, L. A. (1970). Īstās un šķietamās vērtības [Real and Apparent Values]. Rīga: Liesma [Riga: Flame Publishing House]. (in Latvian).
  • Chuhina, L. A. (1980). Chelovek i yego tsennostnyy mir v religioznoy filosofii. Kriticheskiy ocherk [Human Being and the World of Values in Religious Philosophy: A Critical Essay]. Rīga: Zinātne [Riga: Science Publishing House]. (in Russian).
  • Chuhina, L. A. (1991). Chelovek i yego tsennostnyy mir v religioznoy filosofii. Kriticheskiy ocherk [Human Being and the World of Values in Religious Philosophy: A Critical Essay]. 2nd ed. Rīga: Zinātne [Riga: Science Publishing House]. (in Russian).
  • Chuhina, L. A. (1993). Emotional a Priori and Moral-Metaphysical Meanings of Max Scheler’s Phenomenology. In A.-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Analecta Husserliana XXXIX. Reason, Life, Culture. Part 1: Phenomenology in the Baltics (87–105). Dordrecht – Boston, MA – London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  • Chuhina, L. A. (1995). Makss Šēlers par garīgo un tikumisko vērtību pagrimumu mūsdienu pasaulē [Max Scheler on Decline of Spiritual and Moral Values in the Contemporary World]. In Mūžīgais un laicīgais [The Eternal and the Secular] (110-121). Lielvārde: Lielvārds, LZA Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts [Lielvarde: Lielvards, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology]. (in Latvian).
  • Chuhina, L. A. (1996a). Chelovek v religioznoy filosofii [Human Being in Religious Philosophy]. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC [Riga: Star ABC Publishing House]. (in Russian).
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Views: 5795


Author: Petr Urban
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  171-182
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-171-182 PDF (Downloads: 3435)

Despite the emphasis on the relational and interpersonal domain found in the phenomenological tradition, a genuinely relational phenomenological ethics is still a desideratum. The aim of this paper is to call attention to care ethics as an already developed relational moral theory built on the idea of the centrality of the relational domain and to suggest a reason why phenomenologists and care ethicists should care more about each other. The argument proceeds in three steps. First, we focus on the phenomenological views of the lived body, intersubjectivity and mutual incorporation. Second, we discuss the current applications of the phenomenological insights in the so-called enactive approach to social cognition and pose the question of its ethical implications. The final section introduces the ethics of care as a current relational moral theory and highlights some points of commonality between care ethics and phenomenology. The paper concludes that the dynamics of care and mutual concern central to the ethics of care might be well analysed and further developed in terms of phenomenological and enactive views of intersubjectivity. Care ethics, on the other hand, might provide a well-elaborated framework for developing a phenomenological ethics ascribing a central place to the relational and interpersonal dimension of moral phenomena.

Key words
Phenomenology, care ethics, phenomenological ethics, enactivism, the lived body, intersubjectivity, relationality.


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Views: 4927


Title in the language of publication: TRANSZENDENTALE ANTHROPOLOGIE.
Author: Bence Péter Marosán
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  150-170
Language: German
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-150-170 PDF (Downloads: 3386)

The main topics of the following article are Edmund Husserl’s conception of phenomenological anthropology and its reception in László Tengelyi’s philosophy. Thematically the paper is made up of two parts: the first treats the development of Husserl’s notion of the transcendental subject and the particular role the transcendental person played in his idea of a phenomenologically founded anthropology. The second examines the special influence of Husserl’s idea of the transcendental person on Tengelyi’s concept of the history of life (Lebensgeschichte) and on his thought of the metaphysics of contingency and experience. In the first part (which is made up of four sections) I analyze the development of Husserl’s notion of the subject, and I show how Husserl arrives at the concept of the concrete transcendental person in his genetic phenomenological researches of the 1920s. The idea of the transcendental person was the core of Husserl’s late conception of phenomenological anthropology. Husserl’s late concept of the transcendental subject could be characterized as a fragile and complex form of self-identity, and he even used the notions of «life path» («Lebensweg») and «history of life» («Lebensgeschichte») in this context. The crises of human life, crises of self-interpretation became analyzable problems within this sphere and with the means of transcendental phenomenology. The second part (which is made up of two sections) investigates the details of Husserl’s influence on Tengelyi’s work of life, with a special regard on his interpretation of the subject, the experience and metaphysics. Husserl played a fundamental role in the elaboration of Tengelyi’s own notion of self-identity, where self-identity was constituted through certain events of destiny (Schicksalsereignisse), which confronts us with radical alterity and strangeness (Fremdheit). Husserl was also an important source for Tengelyi, when he elaborated on his concept of the passive formation of sense (Sinnbildung) and his metaphysics of contingency. The ultimate foundation of the last formulation of Tengelyi’s phenomenological metaphysics (in his posthumous work, Welt und Unendlichkeit) was the idea of a concrete transcendental person, which we could find in the late Husserl.

Key words
Phenomenology, philosophical anthropology, Edmund Husserl, László Tengelyi, phenomenological metaphysics, transcendental ego, formation of sense (Sinnbildung), self-identity, history of life (Lebensgeschichte).


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 3948


Author: Irene Breuer
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  133-149
Language: German
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-133-149 PDF (Downloads: 3423)

In his book Welt und Unendlichkeit. Zum Problem phänomenologischer Metaphysik, László Tengelyi has enquired into the possibility of a phenomenological metaphysics. Among the many issues addressed in his book, he thematized a real necessity of a non-apriori kind at Aristotle and Husserl, a necessity which he called «a necessity of the fact». His research settled the basis for the present enquiry, which will examine the relationship between the absolute and the conditional necessity of a fact as well as the contingent or accidental features involved therein at Aristotle and Husserl, insofar as facticity is concerned. I intend to show that although both authors share the view that worldly beings are characterized by their contingency, they differ as to their necessity: Aristotle attributes a contingent necessity to the factual being i.e. to reality, a necessity characterized by its being temporarily conditioned by actuality and which can therefore be defined as the «conditional necessity of a fact». As to Husserl, transcendental phenomenology must, upon the basis of the eidetic method, determine the possibilities out of which the ego constitutes the factual world. He states the necessity of the fact as an eidetic necessity, which has to be grounded on eidetic laws. Later on, I’ll try to show how enquiries into a «metaphysics in new sense» lead to a revision of the meaning of «fact» and to an inversion of the order of foundation as well: The original givenness of the world, the primal I, intersubjectivity and historicity as primal and absolute facts carry the eidetic necessities. Accidental causes, on the other hand, account not only for the contingency of the real but, at Husserl, for the ego’s «essential openness» and its core of primal contingency. In this context, I’ll argue that facticity paired with the accidental allows for the irruption of something new that overwhelms us — an event as Ereignis.

Key words
Aristotle, Husserl, facticity, accidental, necessity, contingency, absolute, event.


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