Studies in Phenomenology

Article/Publication Details
Views: 3371


Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  430-451
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-430-451 PDF (Downloads: 2868)

The paper explores the guiding motif of psychopathological phenomenological investigation. In other words, it investigates when, how and why the phenomenological method is applied to that, which represents the sole object of study in psychopathology. The exploration begins with a reappraisal of a famous case of melancholia presented by one of the founders of phenomenological psychiatry, Ludwig Binswanger. In critical reading of Binswanger’s analysis I give, I argue that we should shift the focus from a patient to a phenomenologizing psychiatrist, to his or her own experience of the situation and the role it plays in application of the phenomenological approach to the analysis of this situation. Surprisingly, the personality of a psychiatrist has never been regarded as the ultimate object of phenomenological and psychopathological study per se neither by Binswanger, nor by other phenomenologizing psychiatrists, although a certain amount of attention has been paid to the relationship between a clinician and a patient by researchers. Moreover, to date, no one has questioned the relationship between the psychiatrist’s subjective experience, characterized by a strong emotional input, and the process of establishing a phenomenological attitude. In this paper, I reveal how feelings of a psychiatrist encountering psychosis and, in particular, the malaise of a psychiatrist relate directly to applying the phenomenological method in order to understand of the clinical situation. This, in turn, allows me to revise the role of the phenomenological approach, as providing a psychiatrist with the tools for acknowledging the singular relationship, which his or her psychiatric knowledge has with his or her own experience of the clinical encounter.

Key words
Phenomenology, psychopathology, phenomenological psychiatry, phenomenological psychopathology, phenomenological method, phenomenological attitude, psychiatrist’s experience, Ludwig Binswanger.


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 3543


Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  414–429
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-414-429 PDF (Downloads: 2980)

In this paper I undertook a study of Henri Maldiney’s problematization of the way which we aesthetically experience the world in. The notion of aisthesis unites the aesthetic, in its etymological meaning, as related to the sensory perception, and the aesthetic, as related to the theory of art. According to Maldiney, aisthesis, or sensing, cannot be described in Kantian terms of experience as being structured by intelligence; being pre-reflective and ante-predicative, sensing should be classified as épreuve, passive experience that puts one to the test. Sensing is not just the sensory perception: it is holistic and gives the access to the world as a whole; in sensing one senses not the qualities of individual objects but, rather, the world which is not got crystallized in objects yet. Sensing is also a basic level of communicative human experience: through sensing one obtains an access to the world as being shared with others. Sensing is aesthetically important inasmuch as it possesses its own rhythm. I have carried out the analysis of two metaphysical notions, i.e. transpassibility and transpossibility, introduced by Maldiney in order to overcome the classical dichotomies of passibility/impassibility and possibility/impossibility accordingly. Aesthetically, rhythm as opposed to schema, is transpossible; it also constitutes the work of art in a dynamic unity. The hypothesis I come to can be formulated as follows: there is a special synthetic function of rhythm that can be opposed to the synthetic function of intentionality. This synthetic function cannot be normalized and, thus, it paves a way to de-transcendentalized and de-normalized phenomenology. In the conclusion I contemplate the experience of depression as described by Matthew Ratcliffe. Ratcliffe deals with a methodological challenge of how to apply transcendental notions to the empirical. I argue that the language of transpassible and transpossible can be used as a replacement for the Husserian language of transcendental constitution.

Key words
Henri Maldiney, aesthetical experience, aesthetisation, rhythm, french phenomenology, event, eventness, normal and pathologic.


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 3715


Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  391-413
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-391-413 PDF (Downloads: 2677)

This study deals with the role a language plays in the phenomenologizing, focusing on the problem of the phenomenological language posed by E. Fink. The function of a language cannot be reduced to expressing the achievements of phenomenologizing. It gives appearance of transcendental realm both as the “illusion” and the “semblance”. The problem of the phenomenological language matters for the theory of phenomenological method as such: E. Fink emphasizes the meontic nature of transcendental realm in the 6th Cartesian Meditation. Though, in order to describe this realm phenomenologists have to use natural language, preformed within the natural attitude. The new way of description is required in order to prevent phenomenology from being “mundanized”: allowing the transcendental realm to appear and yet maintaining its particular ontological characteristic. It may be achieved through the metaphor-based speculative projection (Entwurf). This study considers the relevant correlation between Fink’s theory of the method and classical German philosophy: it juxtaposes Kant’s transcendental dialectics and the doctrine of the method with Fink’s “transcendental theory of the method” and Hegel’s Absolute spirit with Fink’s concept of Absolute. The ambiguous and vague natural word, that may be redefined, has a productive capacity for being used in the speculative projection. The right way of description transforms it into a speculative concept, which both raises a problem and maintains its problematic nature. The speculative projection provokes philosophical astonishment and requires readers to get into phenomenologizing.

Key words
Eugen Fink, meontic, transcendental phenomenology, speculation, concepts, language of phenomenology, philosophical astonishment.


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 3289


Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  365-390
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-365-390 PDF (Downloads: 2951)

The article analyzes the nature of the presence of the political aspect in Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. Reconsidering the critique, expressed in Friedrich Fellmann’s, Hannah Arendt’s and Jürgen Habermas’ works, an author detects the strengths and weaknesses of such critique, as well as reveals the conceptual foundations and content of the political dimension in Husserl’s phenomenology. Herewith, the focus is made on the theory of intersubjectivity and theory of lifeworld, which constitute the conceptual core of Husserl’s phenomenological research on social, ethical and political issues. The reconsideration of Fellmann’s critique is based on considering the nature of the presence of the political dimension in Husserl’s intellectual and biographical legacy. Analyzing Arendt’s critique, an author argues that there are two theories of intersubjectivity existing in Husserl’s phenomenology: a theory of constitution of the alter ego in the “primordial world” through “analogizing transfer” and a theory based on the doctrine of “the primary Self”, mutual constitution and on the analyses of passive genesis. The problematization of Habermas’ critique is based on rethinking given the place of practical philosophy in Husserl’s phenomenology and its importance, as well as on defining the heuristic potential the concept of the lifeworld has for constructing the social and political theory. Relying on the philosophy of the state, reconstructed by Karl Schuhmann adapted from Husserl’s legacy, an author explicates the key prerequisites, ideas and terms, constitutive for the political dimension of Husserl’s phenomenology and essential for its understanding in historic-philosophical and modern contexts. The results of the analysis contribute to more adequate understanding of the nature of the political problematic in Huserl’s phenomenology.

Key words
Political, practical philosophy, theory of intersubjectivity, primordial world, analogizing transfer, the primary Self, theory of the lifeworld, community of monads, philosophy of the state.


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 3604


Title in the language of publication: ХАЙДЕГГЕР БУДУЩЕГО И БУДУЩЕЕ ХАЙДЕГГЕРА
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  337-364
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-337-364 PDF (Downloads: 3140)

Martin Heidegger’s philosophy had a profound influence on the late Soviet and post-Soviet philosophical landscape. Nevertheless, there is no general picture of perception and critique of Heidegger’s philosophy in Russia. This article deals with Heidegger’s entry into the Russian philosophical scene as a philosopher of the future – a conservative critic of late modernity, a thinker of Being, and a “post” philosopher. On the one hand, by virtue of the influence French post-modernism had on late Soviet and post-Soviet philosophy, Russia has developed a special interest in Heidegger’s deconstruction theory. On the other hand, the reception of critique given by Heidegger to European nihilism, totalitarianism and machine technology, as the manifestations of modernity, has prompted significantly the interest in “political ontology”. The specifics of reception of Heidegger in Russia can also be traced to a refusal to make a strict division between the pure “core” of Heidegger’s philosophy and “accidental” circumstances associated with social and political aspects of his work in 1930s. The ongoing discussion about recently published Black Notebooks manifests not just the fact that there is a separate language of description and analysis existing in Russian philosophical field but also the original tendency for holistic consideration of Heidegger’s thinking, which includes not just his existential and historical reflections but also political passages and critique of civilizational discourse. Besides the reviews of Black Notebooks made by N. V. Motroshilova, V. V. Mironov and D. Mironova in the last year’s issues of Voprosy Filosofii (a philosophical journal), the attention is focused on the earlier works by N. V. Motroshilova, V. V. Bibikhin, A. V. Gulyga, V. A. Podoroga and A. G. Dugin, related to Heidegger’s overcoming of the Western metaphysical tradition and his concept of a new beginning beyond Machenschaft. The article is also devoted to considertion given to a new book by J. Love (2017) examining the philosophical influence Heidegger exerts in Eastern Europe and Russia.

Key words
Martin Heidegger, Black Notebooks, thinking of the history of Being, the other beginning, reception of Heidegger’s thought in the late Soviet and post-Soviet philosophy in Russia, Vladimir Bibikhin, Nelli Motroshilova, Arseniy Gulyga, Alexander Dugin.


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 2832


Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  312-336
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-312-336 PDF (Downloads: 2890)

The paper is devoted to the dialogue between Orthodox theology of the latter half of the 20th century and Heidegger’s philosophy. We focus on the interpretation of the apophasis in the works of Vladimir Lossky. Our research tasks are not so much the description of the direct influence of Heidegger’s philosophy on the Lossky’s theological reflections, but, rather, a demonstration of the parallels between Heidegger’s existential and historical thinking and Lossky’s negative theology. In the first part we highlight the points common to early Heidegger’s interpretation of the mystical theory of cognition and Lossky’s understanding of the mystical theology of the Eastern Church: the correlation between theology and mystical experiencing, overcoming the conceptual frameworks, the knowledge of God as a transformative practice, which is aimed at the radical unity with God. There are also common features in both in Heidegger’s and Lossky’s critical interpretations of the identity of the concepts of God and being in Meister Eckhart’s mystical theology. Lossky opposes Eckhart’s God as Esse absconditum with the apophaticism of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite who has thought out God beyond being. Heidegger insists on the theological differentiation distinguishing between God and being. We also compare the concept of detachment given in the works of Eckhart, Lossky and later Heidegger. Lossky’s explanation of the human personality is focused on irreducibility of a person to nature; he referred to the ecstatic character of existence of Dasein, but his anthropology is constituted on doctrine of a human being seen as the image and likeness of God. Further development of Orthodox apophaticism (Chr. Yannaras, D. B. Hart and J. P. Manoussakis) demonstrates a critical attitude towards Heidegger’s philosophy. Such attitude originates in their attempts to develop the ontology of personal being. We argue that Orthodox thinkers correlate with Heidegger in their search for a renewal of theological method, for the identical-differential mode of thinking moving from subject-object speculation to the ecstatic transformations of subject. The difference is in the emphasis on the personal character of the mystical ecstasy, founded on the trinitarian provisions inherent to the Eastern Church.

Key words
Аpophaticism, mystical experience, Heidegger, Lossky, ontology, detachment, language, difference, person.


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