- 06 June 2017
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4428
Title in the language of publication: | ТРАНСЦЕНДЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ СОЛИПСИЗМ |
Author: | Jaroslav Slinin |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 6, №1 (2017),  116-139 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-116-139 | PDF (Downloads: 3874) |
In the article I intend to demonstrate that the Cartesian rule never to accept anything unobvious and doubtful for true ends up with solipsism. Confines himself to this rule Descartes obtains an elemental and absolute truth of “I think, therefore I am”. However, the doubtless existence of my ego does not imply the doubtless existence of the other egos. Descartes tried to find a way out by composing the ontological argument for the existence of God. This argument cannot be recognized as sound since by no means all of it transitions are doubtless just as cogito ergo sum is. As a result Descartes failed to eliminate the solipsism problem. At a later stage Husserl trying to overcome relativism and skepticism, being convinced that each truth is an absolute and believing that all absolute truth must be doubtless attempted to discover such truth. Husserl’s procedure of the phenomenological reduction appeared to be an improved version of Descartes’s method of doubts. It delivers the result that the only existence of transcendental ego and everything that is immanent to it is doubtless. This result corresponds to the Cartesian thesis of the obviousness of sum cogitans. According to Husserl the autonomous existence of God and nature turn out to belong to the domain of doubtful transparentness. As for the existence of other egos, according to Husserl it is transcendental and doubtless at the same time. The sum cogitans appresentation which is an analogical apperception bears witness for that fact. From my point of view, nevertheless, an argumentativeness of the analogical apperception is no better than that of Descartes ontological argument. It cannot provide rationalization for the thesis that the transcendental existence of other egos is obvious and doubtless. Thus, the transcendental solipsism stays ambiguous. In the end of the article I am analyzing the two main characteristics of sum cogitans: its contingency and discreteness.
Key words
Skepticism, Descartes, methodological doubt, Husserl, phenomenological reduction, analogous apperception.
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- 06 June 2017
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4619
Author: | Sergey Kulikov |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 6, №1 (2017), 97-115 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-97-115 | PDF (Downloads: 3500) |
The subject of our research is the features of naturalism and of historicism in the whole system of the scientific worldview. The author identifies and describes the types of naturalism, achieving the purpose of clarification of circumstances in which its separate options become complementary ways of scientific understanding of reality. The resulting picture is enriched with the features of historicism, introducing the element of relativity to the scientific views of the world. Special attention is paid to the possibility to reconstruct the eidos of science as a generalized ideal of research activities. The research methodology includes the implementation of the phenomenological research program, the foundations of which were laid in the works of Husserl. This program allows us to understand the idea of science in the framework of the ideal of cognitive activity, the roots of which date back to the writings of Aristotle. The phenomenological perspective of our research allows us to see the essential characteristics of both naturalism and historicism, to identify options for their constructive engagement. The result reveals a possibility to make a nontrivial conclusion about the relation between naturalism and historicism, for the debate of naturalism and of historicism, taken by itself, i.e. as relatively independent phenomenon, opens horizons of the internally unified consciousness understood in science in two ways. The first one is a set of research intentions of the validity; the second one coincides with the implicit dependence of the scientific worldview from the orientation to the historical changes of the foundations of self-reflection of science that, in fact, form the semantic structure of scientific knowledge as a unique ideal for research activities.
Key words
Naturalism, historicism, reflection, phenomenology, Husserl, Aristotle, scientific worldview.
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- 06 June 2017
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4498
Author: | Dalius Jonkus |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 6, №1 (2017), 201-210 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Preface to the publication |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-201-210 | PDF (Downloads: 3452) |
This publication presents three manuscripts of the famous Russian-Lithuanian philosopher Vasily Sesemann. We offer publications of essays on Scheler, Bergson and Lossky – these are the texts of Sesemann’s manuscript collection, which is located in Vilnius University (F122-104, F122-105, F122-106). This group of essays is integral. All these essays, in one way or another address the issue of the philosophical understanding of intuition, which Sesemann discussed in all his major works. Essays are dedicated to the philosophers who somehow influenced the author’s position. The texts were written during his stay in the camp of the GULAG (1950-1955) in Taishet (Irkutsk region). It is known that Sesemann taught Western philosophy and aesthetics for other prisoners. We can assume that these essays refer to the materials or recordings of his lectures. Among the prisoners in the same camp was Dandaron, who later became a famous scientist and created the original version of neo-Buddhism. While preparing manuscripts for publication it was discovered that in the posthumously published “Letters on Buddhism” Dandaron often recounts the thoughts of Sesemann, especially when it comes to understanding of intuition. In Dandaron’s handwritten archive in Ulan-Ude are the manuscripts, which, according to the titles and topics discussed, coincide with the manuscripts of Sesemann. From the available data we conclude that the manuscripts found in Dandaron’s archive – “The relationship between matter and spirit” and “Aesthetics” – are the recordings of Sesemann’s lectures.
Key words
Seseman, Dandaron, manuscripts, intuition, aesthetics, Scheler, Lossky, Bergson.
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- 06 June 2017
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4362
Author: | Dalius Jonkus |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 6, №1 (2017), 79-96 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-79-96 | PDF (Downloads: 3685) |
Vasily Sesemann’s philosophy is still insufficiently investigated, especially its relationship with phenomenology. Modern researchers often classify Sesemann’s philosophy as neo-Kantianism, although they also admit its relationship with phenomenology. Sesemann often defined his position as critical realism. He emphasised the difference between his philosophy, the logical idealism of neo-Kantianism and the transcendental idealism of Husserl’s phenomenology. It should also be emphasised that an understanding of critical realism in Sesemann’s philosophy is intertwined with the concept of intuition in Russian intuitivism and phenomenological philosophy. Sesemann criticises neo-Kantian idealism, because this philosophical construction is based on scientific knowledge and rejects the immediate givenness of reality. The article discusses Sesemann’s philosophy in the context of neo-Kantianism, intuitivism and phenomenology. The purpose of this article is to show that Sesemann criticises neo-Kantian epistemology resorting to a phenomenological idea of direct knowledge. Sesemann understands intuition as a direct access to the things themselves, as a practical understanding of the world, which is the basis of logical and scientific knowledge. Sesemann transforms the concept of intuition from the theoretical into practical and establishes a relationship between the act of cognition and intuition of values. Although Sesemann’s evaluation of phenomenology remains ambivalent: firstly, he understands Husserl’s phenomenology as an intuition, i.e. as a direct approach to the things themselves, and, secondly, phenomenology for him is a return to the idealistic tradition with which she fought.
Key words
Vasily Sesemann, neo-Kantianism, intuition, phenomenology, intuitivism, critical realism, Husserl.
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- 06 June 2017
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4351
Author: | Alexander Frolov |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 6, №1 (2017), 181-191 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Preface to the Translation |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-181-191 | PDF (Downloads: 3735) |
We present here a Russian translation of the 8th paragraph of Husserl’s book “Experience and Judgment” (1939). The paragraph includes a systematic outline of the phenomenological conception of horizonedness, while in no other Husserl’s book – from “Ideas I” to “Crisis” –we can find a fragment dealing with the idea of horizon elaborated so deep. The idea however is a substantial element of Husserl’s conceptualization of experience as an open, indefinite process. In the 7th paragraph of “Experience and Judgment” the world is conceived as a universal “ground of certainty”, upon which all our experience is based, and in the 8th paragraph the intentional structure of experience (mostly as perception) is explicated. That structure is characterized as horizontal. The crucial difference here is between the “inner horizon” and the “outer horizon” of an object. The outer horizon stretches finally into the “world-horizon” – the ultimate, universal horizon comprising all partial horizons and perspectives. In its turn, typization functions here as a way of representation of objects laying beyond the field of what is given. Typization also covers latent aspects of present objects and concerns even their patent aspects. The most general type, according to Husserl, is “object as such” – a basic category of formal ontology. The idea of horizon has been a fundamental principle of classical phenomenology. Nowadays it provokes hot discussions among such authors as Jean-Luc Marion, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida. The discussions relate to the very essence of phenomenology. That’s why we find publication of the fragment to be important.
Key words
Experience, world, horizon, inner horizon, outer horizon, anticipation, general typization of objects.
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- Kuhn, H. (1940). The Phenomenological Concept of “Horizon”. In M. Farber (Ed.), Philosophical Essays in Memory of Edmund Husserl (106–123). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
- Lohmar, D. (1996). Zu der Entstehung und den Ausgangsmaterialien von Edmund Husserls Werk “Erfahrung und Urteil”. Husserl Studies, 1, 31–71.
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- Marion, J.-L. (2014). Nasyshchenyj fenomen [The Saturated Phenomenon]. In S. Sholokhova & A. Yampol’skaya (Eds.), (Post) fenomenologiya: novaya fenomenologiya vo Frantsii i za ee predelami [(Post)phenomenology: The New Phenomenology in France and Beyond]. Moscow: Akademical Project. (in Russian).
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- Shyuts, A. (2004). Razmyshleniya o probleme relevantnosti [Reflections on the Problem of Relevance]. In A. Shyuts, Izbrannoye. Mir, svetyashchiisya smyslom [Selected Texts. The World Shining with Meaning]. Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia. (in Russian).
- 06 June 2017
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4523
Translation from german: | Alexander Frolov |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 6, №1 (2017), 192-200 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Translation from German |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-192-200 | PDF (Downloads: 3871) |
We present here a Russian translation of the 8th paragraph of Husserl’s book “Experience and Judgment” (1939). The paragraph includes a systematic outline of the phenomenological conception of horizonedness, while in no other Husserl’s book – from “Ideas I” to “Crisis” –we can find a fragment dealing with the idea of horizon elaborated so deep. The idea however is a substantial element of Husserl’s conceptualization of experience as an open, indefinite process. In the 7th paragraph of “Experience and Judgment” the world is conceived as a universal “ground of certainty”, upon which all our experience is based, and in the 8th paragraph the intentional structure of experience (mostly as perception) is explicated. That structure is characterized as horizontal. The crucial difference here is between the “inner horizon” and the “outer horizon” of an object. The outer horizon stretches finally into the “world-horizon” – the ultimate, universal horizon comprising all partial horizons and perspectives. In its turn, typization functions here as a way of representation of objects laying beyond the field of what is given. Typization also covers latent aspects of present objects and concerns even their patent aspects. The most general type, according to Husserl, is “object as such” – a basic category of formal ontology. The idea of horizon has been a fundamental principle of classical phenomenology. Nowadays it provokes hot discussions among such authors as Jean-Luc Marion, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida. The discussions relate to the very essence of phenomenology. That’s why we find publication of the fragment to be important.
Key words
Experience, world, horizon, inner horizon, outer horizon, anticipation, general typization of objects.
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