Studies in Phenomenology

Article/Publication Details
Views: 4709


Author: Inga Römer
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  115-132
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-115-132 PDF (Downloads: 3424)

The article outlines the central lines of László Tengelyi’s intellectual path and hints at some perspectives that could be continued on the basis of his last writings. The first part shows the development of his thought from the first Hungarian works on Kant up to his last book, so as to pose the question of a possible unity in his work. Such a unity can be seen in the diacritical tension, systematically enlarged in each period, between freedom, the story of a told life, expression and the finite projection of a world on the one hand, and guilt as an event of destiny, the region of a wild sense, a wild responsibility and an open infinite on the other hand. A second part presents the main ideas of «World and Infinit. On the Problem of Phenomenological Metaphysics», especially the programme of a phenomenological answer to the problem of metaphysics. The core of this programme is a metaphysics of facticity in the realm of which a methodological transcendentalism and a metontological transcendentalism become possible. A third part tries to situate László Tengelyi’s ideas within the context of contemporary «realism». Two of Meillassoux’ central arguments are discussed in order to show how László Tengelyi’s approach provides a phenomenological answer to their challenges.

Key words
Phenomenology, metaphysics, transcendental philosophy, realism, Kant, Tengelyi, Meillassoux.


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Views: 4783


Title in the language of publication: TRUTH, RESPONSIBILITY AND THE POLITICAL.
Author: Wing-Keung Chik
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  90-114
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-90-114 PDF (Downloads: 3293)

Being one of the spokespersons of the civic manifestos Charta 77, Czech Philosopher Jan Patočka (1907– 1977) passed away after repeating interrogation. For human dignity, Patočka stands himself in truth in front of violence. What is the origin of responsibility which resists injustice? What is the significance of living in truth for being confronted with violence? In the text of Charta 77 «The Obligation to Resist Injustice» (1977), Patočka points out that morality of humanity is the ground of obligation. Then, what is the relationship between humanity and moral obligation? Regarding to the question above, this paper attempts to investigate the relationship of responsibility and living in truth, and demonstrates that there is an ontological responsibility of insistence implicated in living in truth, through illustrating the structure of manifestation of problematization. Socratic care of soul is the practice of familiarizing citizens with problematization through reflective dialogue as pluralization of otherness (doxai) of others. Otherness unveiled is the beginning of thinking and of the formation of polis. At last, with the analysis of worldliness of world as manifestation of plurality, the article will show that the responsibility of living in truth, as responding to plurality of world and realizes problematization which reforms community as polis with liberation and unity, is philosophical-political revolutionary.

Key words
Care of the soul, problematization, responsibility, Arendt, otherness, dialogue, thinking, polis, pluralization.


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  • Kohák, E. (1989). Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
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  • Patočka, J. (1996). Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History. Chicago, IL: Carus Publishing Company.
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  • Patočka, J. (2007a). Life in Balance, Life in Amplitude. In Manton, E. (Ed.). Jan Patočka: Living in Problematicity (32-42). Prague: Oikoymenh.
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Article/Publication Details
Views: 4661


Title in the language of publication: LIFEWORLD, CIVILISATION, SYSTEM:
Author: Francesco Tava
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  70-89
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-70-89 PDF (Downloads: 3436)

The aim of this article is to show how both Jan Patočka and Jürgen Habermas, starting from a reinterpretation of the idea of «lifeworld», engaged a critique of modern civilisation, aiming (with different outcomes) at a redefinition of the concept of political community. In order to achieve this goal, I firstly focus on Patočka’s understanding of modern rational civilisation and its attempt to fix the fracture between «life» and «world». At this stage, I take also advantage of Hans Blumenberg’s distinction between these two terms, in order to better clarify Patočka’s stance on this problem. Secondly, I analyse Habermas’ ideas of lifeworld and system, and their uncoupling in modern societies, as well as the reemergence of this issue in Habermas’ recent works on the European economic and political crisis. Finally, I focus on the very different ways in which Patočka and Habermas tackled the ideas of conflict and crisis in contemporary world, also in view of a possible path out of this crisis through a re-constitution of Europe.

Key words
Lifeworld, civilisation, communicative action, system, crisis, Europe, solidarity, community.


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Views: 4539


Author: Mihály Vajda
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),&nbsp 54-69
Language: German
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-54-69 PDF (Downloads: 3312)

In this paper the author reflects on the phenomenological motives in his departure from the Marxism of Georg Lukács in the Hungary of the late 1960s and early 1970s. He first encountered phenomenology at the university during the classes of Ágnes Heller, another future dissident of Marxism, which led him to study the Logical Investigations when he became a research assistant at the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1961. Following in the footsteps of other readers of Husserl’s opus magnum, the author was confronted by Husserl’s manifest Platonism in the first and equally manifest psychologism in the second volume of the same work. This apparent contradiction between atemporal objectivities and their life-world origins led him to the phenomenology of Max Scheler, to whom the author dedicated the fourth chapter of his second monograph on Husserl published in 1969. The thinker who radically overcame Husserl was, for the author, Martin Heidegger. Modern scholarship has meanwhile convinced him of the fundamental differences between these two phenomenologists, but one lesson remains: Phenomenology is characterized by evidence that originates from seeing, rather than mere words and argumentations.

Key words
Marxism, phenomenology, Husserl, Heidegger, Scheler, Hungarian reception of phenomenology, Lukács.


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  • Vajda M. (1968). Zárójelbe tett tudomány. A husserli fenomenológia tudományfelfogásának bírálatához [Bracketed Science. On the Critique of the Theory of Science in Husserl’s Phenomenology]. Budapest: Akadémiai. (in Hungarian).
  • Vajda M. (1969). A mítosz és a ráció határán. Edmund Husserl fenomenológiája [On the Border between Myth and Ratio. Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology]. Budapest: Gondolat. (in Hungarian).
  • Vajda M. (2013). Fiatalkori írások [Early Writings]. Pozsony: Kalligram. (in Hungarian).

Article/Publication Details
Views: 4871


Author: George Heffernan
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  16-53
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-16-53 PDF (Downloads: 3682)

In Heidegger und der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung (2014), Peter Trawny claims that in his Black Notebooks (2014/15) Martin Heidegger is guilty of «ontological-historical anti-Semitism» (seinsgeschichtlicher Antisemitismus). There can be no doubt that Heidegger describes «the Jews» as «a kind of humanity» that lives by «the principle of race», displays «empty rationality and calculative capacity», and employs «the machinations of world Jewry» to propagate a «homeless» and «worldless» way of life accompanied by «ahistorical» and «atemporal» thinking — as «a people» that took advantage of «the metaphysics of the West», «especially in its modern development», to pursue «the uprooting of all being(s) from Being» as its «world-historical task». The question is whether in his narrative Heidegger assigns a relevant or pivotal role to his former mentor, colleague, and friend, Edmund Husserl, the founder of the phenomenological movement and a Jewish convert to Christianity, because he seems to suggest that there is a connection between Husserl’s Jewishness and his philosophy, as well as that his break with him was the result of the latter’s failure to deal with Being in terms of time or history. This paper investigates whether Heidegger’s remarks and Trawny’s reflections have any significant implications for an understanding of the philosophical relationship between Husserl and Heidegger. It finds that Trawny makes a strong case that a number of Heidegger’s statements in his Black Notebooks reveal him to be generally guilty of «ontological-historical anti-Semitism», but that he does not present a convincing case that in these texts Heidegger’s critique of Husserl specifically is motivated by «ontological-historical anti-Semitism».

Key words
Heidegger, Husserl, Black Notebooks, Trawny, ontological-historical anti-Semitism, phenomenology, Being.


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Article/Publication Details
Views: 4206


Author: Witold Płotka
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №1 (2016),  10-15
Language: English
Document type: Introduction
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-1-10-15 PDF (Downloads: 4212)


Key words


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