- 06 November 2015
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4842
Author: | Yusuke Ikeda |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 3, №1 (2014),  60-92 |
Language: | German |
Document Type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2014-3-1-60-92 | PDF (Downloads: 3975) |
This paper holds that the philosophical relation between Husserl's and Fink's phenomenological philosophies can be characterized in terms of proximity and distance. We proceed by
focusing on the philosophical foundation of their projects and, in particular, on the Kantian
notion of “transcendental illusion”, which they use, though in different manners, as a way
of determining purely philosophical illusions — a preliminary task to found transcendental
phenomenology proper. We select this Kantian notion as a central theme inasmuch as it
concerns the metaphysical problematic of the world. Our analysis shows that Fink defends
the Husserlian thesis that the world is not merely an “idea of pure reason” (Kant), but an
experience. In effect, the world is necessarily pregiven to us, though anonymously, in an
intentional experience; in other words, intentional experience without the pregiven world
is, according to the late Husserl, unthinkable. Fink's characterization of world-experience is
radically different from Husserl's. This difference or distance comes from Fink's conception
of “enworlding” (Verweltlichung), i. e., the self-actualization of constituting subjectivity in
the world-actualization. Fink's very idea of this type of correlation has two specific enabling
functions: (1) the world's originally enframing function (die ursprünglich einrahmende Funktion) of the entity into the world itself and (2) the event-like character of the “intruding” (Eindringen)
of the subject into the world. Therefore, we conclude that Fink's phenomenological
contribution to philosophy consists not only in his genuine reflection on, and analysis of, the
phenomenological conception of correlation at the deep level of world-experience, but also
in his metaphysical reformulation of the traditional concept of the world.
Key words
Transcendental illusion, transcendental idealism, intentional correlation, world-experience, origin of the world, access to time-horizons, event.
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- 06 November 2015
Article/Publication Details
Views: 5057
Title in the language of publication: | LECTEURS, ENFANTS D'ÉCHO: LIVRE, SENS, HORIZON |
Author: | Anne Coignard |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 3, №1 (2014),  36-59 |
Language: | French |
Document Type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2014-3-1-36-59 | PDF (Downloads: 3687) |
This paper aims at analysing, in a phenomenological perspective, how meaning occurs in literary readings as well as in literary discussions. The study takes as its empirical starting point
a seminar session, in which several academic readers have shared their experiences of the
same novel. It appeared that the constitution of the novel's meaning was modified and continued during the discussion and, therefore, that the meaning of the novel was not available
before the discussion happened. Then, to understand what happened before the discussion,
the inquiry relies on P. Bayard's theoretical elaborations, which state that the solitary experience of reading itself involves previous readings: the subjectivity of the reader is haunted by
a plurality of texts, virtually involved in the process of reading of the novel. Therefore, the
article intends to explore the notion of potential space, coined by Winnicott, and to define it as
an intersubjective space, made of virtual subjectivities. Ultimately, to describe the way a new
meaning has arisen between the participants, the study relies on M. Richir's phenomenology.
The point, here, is to question the actual but unconscious interweaving of the subjectivities
in the discussion. Thus, the study provides a deeper understanding of the creativity of the act
of reading, by assuming that creativity cannot happen without a plurality of subjectivities,
existing or virtual.
Key words
Act of reading, phenomenology, cultural experience, creativity, meaning, intersubjectivity.
- Bayard, P. (2011). Comment parler des livres qu'on n'a pas lus? Paris: Minuit.
- Husserl, E. (2002). Phantasia, conscience d'image, souvenir: de la phénoménologie des présentifications intuitives: textes posthumes (1898–1925). Grenoble: Millon.
- Richir, M. (1991). Sens et Paroles: pour une approche phénoménologique du langage. In G. Florival (Ed.), Figures de la Rationalité — Études d'Anthropologie philosophique IV (228-246). Louvain: Peeters Publishers.
- Richir, M. (2003). Du rôle de la phantasia au théâtre et dans le roman. Littérature, (132), 24–33.
- Richir, M. (2004). Phantasia, imagination, affectivité. Phénoménologie et anthropologie phénoménologique. Grenoble: Millon.
- Richir, M. (2008). Fragments phénoménologiques sur le langage. Grenoble: Millon.
- Tengelyi, L. (2010). La formation de sens comme événement. Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía, (34), 149–174.
- Vermersch, P. (2005). Tentative d'approche expérientielle du sens se faisant. Expliciter, (60), 48–55.
- Winnicott, D. W. (1975). Jeu et réalité: l'espace potentiel. Paris: Gallimard.
- Winnicott, D. W. (2010). Les Objets transitionnels. Paris: Payot.
- Winnicott, D. W. (2012). De la communication et de la non-communication. La Capacité d'être seul. Paris: Payot.
- 06 November 2015
Article/Publication Details
Views: 5335
Author: | Tatiana Tatarintseva |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 3, №1 (2014),  23-35 |
Language: | Russian |
Document Type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2014-3-1-23-35 | PDF (Downloads: 3753) |
The article attempts to defend and advance the project of Gadamer's hermeneutics of trust given
that today the notion of understanding is inextricably tied to the view of tradition, discourse and
language as inevitably contaminated by ideological distortions by supplementing it with Foucault's
critical insights. The common ground between Foucault and Gadamer is that both thinkers militate
against the notion of understanding as a process guided by universal criteria of rationality (in particular
against Habermas' notion of non-distorted communication) maintaining instead that individuals are inextricably embedded within a particular tradition. Foucault, we maintain, is extremely
important for Gadamer in that he develops a mode of critical relationship towards the tradition but
precisely understood as a dynamic within the tradition itself, renegotiating and expanding the space
of personal freedom; this process, no doubt, being guided by engaged individual perspective and
self-understanding without any recourse to an Archimedean point of view outside of any tradition.
In doing so Foucault is able to provide a much needed method of immanent critique of ideological
distortions (potentially always present in the tradition, discourse or language) that remains faithful to the basic tenants of Gadamer's hermeneutic outlook. We consider a model that schematically demonstrates how such immanent critique can be carried out. We take Gadamer's notion of
understanding as realised in an open and charitable dialogue and internalise this dialogue within
a single subject taking place between two distinct perspectives: a critical Foucauldian perspective
on the one hand, and the immediate self-undertstanding of situated subjectivity on the other. This
internal dialogue should enable the subject to maintain a critical distance with respect to aspects of
oneself that are a product of social practices and conditions (as demanded by critics of Gadamer),
yet remaining within the space of Gadamerian dialogical understanding situated in the first-person
Key words
Philosophical hermeneutics, hermeneutics of trust, hermeneutics of suspicion, under-
standing, dialogue, prejudices, ideology.
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- Mikhel', D. V. (1999). Mishel' Fuko v strategiyakh sub'ektivatsii: ot «Istorii bezumiya» do «Zaboty o sebe»: Materialy lektsionnykh kursov 1996–1998 godov [Michel Foucault in the strategies of subjectivation: from “The History of Madness” to “The care of the self”: the materials of 1996- 1998 lecture courses]. Saratov: Publishing house of the Volga affiliated branch of the Russian training center. (in Russian).
- Pogonyailo, A. G. (2007). Mishel' Fuko. Istoriya sub'ektivnosti [Michel Foucault. The history of subjectivity]. In Germenevtika sub'ekta. Kurs lektsii, prochitannykh v Kollezh de Frans v 1981– 1982 uchebnomu godu [Hermeneutics of the subject. The 1981–1982 College de France lecture course] (597-662). St. Petersburg: Nauka. (in Russian).
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- Zuckert, C. H. (2002). Hermeneutics in Practice: Gadamer on Ancient Philosophy. In R. Dostal (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer (201-224). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 06 November 2015
Article/Publication Details
Views: 5664
Title in the language of publication: |
Author: | Maria Kozlova |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 3, №1 (2014),  10-22 |
Language: | Russian |
Document Type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2014-3-1-10-22 | PDF (Downloads: 4051) |
The purpose of this study is to outline the concept of poetical language in Martin Heidegger's philosophy, including review of his critique of metaphor as belonging to the oblivion of Being and his
attempt to define the essence of language from within the language itself. The paper reads through
a number of Heidegger's essays on language and poetry and compares his views on metaphor and
poetic essence of language with those of Aristotle, Herder and Russian poet Osip Mandelstam.
Heidegger rejects representational thinking and refuses to treat language as an object, defining
the initial word of language as nothing of being (nichts Seiendes). Poetry does not speak with the
help of metaphors (name transport), since it is itself a naming which does not define beings, but
calls for them (ruft ins Wort). The essence of a being (Seiende), its sense, should be understood
from its Being (Sein) as something that is present in its presence (Anwesen). However, the presence
is not a simple boundary between past and future, since it is itself a transfer, which includes both
presence and absence (Anwesen und Abwesen). Thus, the referent of poetical word is a nothing of
beings (keine Seienden), since it is the Being (Sein). The essence of poetic word is closely linked to
the change in understanding of ontological difference in later Heidegger's works, where the term
Unterschied is introduced instead of Differenz in order to show the eventual nature of Being and
the eventual nature of the initial word. Poetic word as the word of Being is an event which opens
the world and gives way to language as signification. The task of poetry is, therefore, to search for
the initial word, which does not produce meanings, but whose sense is in the rhythm of Being.
Key words
Poetry, word, metaphor, event, ontological difference, naming.
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- 06 November 2015
Article/Publication Details
Views: 3352
Title in the language of publication: | ОТ РЕДАКЦИИ |
Issue: | HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 3, №1 (2014),  8-9 |
Language: | Russian |
Document Type: | FROM THE EDITORS |
PDF (Downloads: 3509) |
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