- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
Views: 3656
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 573-601 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-573-601 | PDF (Downloads: 3986) |
This article deals with a core matter of continental philosophy which is the nature of the ego taken as a concept originating in the subjective idealism of the German school of the early nineteenth century and further developed in its various ramifications throughout the twentieth century. The main philosophical positions I will discuss are Husserl’s phenomenology of the ego in his later transcendental phase, the Heideggerean view of the nature of Dasein, and Sartre’s approach of the Being-for-itself as mainly exposed in Being and Nothingness. The central idea defended throughout this article is that self-constituting temporality as immanently induced may serve as a common foundation of the nature of the transcendental ego both in the Husserlian phenomenology and in the Heideggerean and Sartrean alternative positions; further, I will hold that, as consequence, the ultimate question about the possibility of an ontology of the pure ego is transposed to the question of the origin and foundation of inner temporality. Yet, in this case one is set to face anew the circularity of an infinite regression in terms of reflecting-reflected and the inevitability of the subjective character of the origin of temporality. Besides this key question—a primary issue of this article—I will address the issue of the convergences and differences regarding aspects of the essential nature of the Husserlian ego, the Heideggerean Dasein, and the Sartrean Being-for-itself, especially regarding the widely debated topic of the ‘exteriority’ of the latter two ‘egological’ concepts with regard to the world in contrast to the ‘interiority’ of the Husserlian absolute ego.
Key words
Absolute flux of consciousness, Being-for-itself, Being-in-itself, Dasein, ecstatic, infinite regression, temporal unity, transcendental ego.
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- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
Views: 3837
Title in the language of publication: | ДАННОСТЬ КАК ПРОБЛЕМА ФЕНОМЕНОЛОГИИ |
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 536-572 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-536-572 | PDF (Downloads: 3456) |
According to principle of all principles, formulated in §24 of Ideas I, every originary presentive intuition is a legitimizing source of all cognition. The principle is the one of givenness, and, as such, it seems to show the limits of philosophical problematization, since the true givenness leaves no room for sensible questions and is, as Husserl puts it, the absolute matter of course. Proceeding from the key differences and intuitions of Husserlian phenomenology, I show instead that bringing phenomena to phenomenological givenness does not eliminate them, but, on the contrary, constitutes them as problematic. In grounding this thesis in the first section of the article I start with analyzing differences underlying the problematics of givenness in phenomenology. These are the correlative differences between empty and fulfilled intention and between meaning and fulfilling sense, which are introduced in Logical Investigations. In the second section I show that the Husserlian idea of final fulfillment as strict phenomenological evidence—eliminating the surplus of meaning in relation to the givenness and hence, at first sight, depriving the phenomenon of its problematical character—is, at the same time, the idea of final ‘emptying’ of meaning which turns it into the problem. In view of this, the article puts together the Husserlian description of final fulfillment with the analysis of the phenomenon of death in Heidegger’s Being and Time to demonstrate their affinity. In the third section, relying on Hans Jonas’ description of metabolism, I draw an analogy between the relation between organism and matter and the one between problem and givenness to substantiate the thesis that problematicity is not a philosophical dead end, but the constitutive feature of life and life-world.
Key words
Givenness, intuition, problem, horizon, Husserl, Heidegger, fulfillment, possibility, impossibility.
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- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
Views: 3645
Title in the language of publication: | RENAUD BARBARAS AND THE MULTIPLE MEANING OF “LIFE” |
Author: | JAKUB ČAPEK |
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 516-535 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-516-535 | PDF (Downloads: 4030) |
The recent philosophy of Renaud Barbaras counts among the most original contributions to the phenomenology of life. My article examines it in the light of some conceptual observations based on the works of Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. The early phenomenological texts illustrate the complexity of the phenomenological approach to the living inasmuch as “life” can be said in different ways, it is plural in meaning; further, life is also plural in that it can be attributed to a plurality of beings (consciousness, organisms, certain forms of existence, etc.). When developing his own account, Barbaras starts from a profound analysis of the phenomenological idea of correlation and comes to a new notion of life which is no longer attributed to organisms but to the world. The article critically follows this move from the life of organisms to the life of the world and articulates certain questions that this move can raise. The background of these questions is the double plurality of the notion of life. Even though saying that “life” has multiple meanings and attributions is purely formal and general, this multiplicity can serve as a ground for the phenomenological analysis of the way life is indeed experienced in its different meanings.
Key words
Phenomenology, life, organism, consciousness, biology, embodiment, Barbaras.
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- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4036
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 502-515 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-502-515 | PDF (Downloads: 3863) |
This paper aims to analyze neuropsychiatric pathological experiences (as thought insertion and delusions of control) in which features intrinsic to subjectivity are deeply affected to the extent that the first-person perspective is lost, an essential core of the subjective condition. The distinction between the sense of agency and the sense of ownership is addressed, in particular in the context of unbidden thoughts and thought insertion. A gradualist reading of the distinction is suggested, and the problem of phenomenological adequacy of the sense of agency for thoughts is raised. Descriptive arguments are provided to show what a minimal self consists of and how it is possible that it does not get lost in extreme neuro- and psycho-pathologies, including a puzzling phenomenon such as terminal lucidity, the case in which an unexpected return of mental clarity and memory take place shortly before death in patients suffering from severe psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Based on these phenomena it is suggested that subjectivity may be underlain by some ‘mechanisms’ different from those usually assigned by neuroscientific models of normal brains. Finally, the challenges that emerge both for neurology and for phenomenological analysis are set out, opening new paths for the research and comprehension of subjectivity.
Key words
Cognitive sciences, minimal self, agency, psychopathologies, thought insertion, delusions of control, terminal lucidity.
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- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
Views: 4388
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 487-501 |
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-487-501 | PDF (Downloads: 3569) |
The article deals with Wittgenstein’s interpretation of the Heideggerian thesis “the nothing noths.” The phenomenological utterances are, according to him, “unarticulated sounds.” We discuss the following unsettling situation: theses of phenomenological philosophy (in this case of existential phenomenology), transferred to the field of philosophy of language, lose their meaning, turn into “incompetent sounds.” How is mutual understanding possible if, in the course of a philosophical discussion, the words (coming from one of the interlocutors or from both of them) turn into unarticulated sounds? Nevertheless, despite the alleged “incomprehensibility” of phenomenological expressions, Wittgenstein wants to “pay tribute” to Heidegger and he is looking for similar motives in his own philosophy. The most important of these motives is the one of philosophical disquiet. Wittgenstein goes through the options of how to understand “the nothing noths,” not so much questioning what Heidegger wanted to say, but rather why he wanted to say it. What can make a philosopher utter a tautology? Is this strange phrase the symptom of something else? What does it replace, displaces? What hurts a philosopher, if he has such a strange verbal behavior? The first hypothesis of Wittgenstein is that the author of the statement “the nothing noths” wants to get rid of a philosophical disquiet. This is Wittgenstein’s own motive—an indistinct intellectual disquiet, a “mental cramp,” a “hair on the tongue” from which it is necessary to get rid of. Then Wittgenstein (quite in the spirit of Carnap) reflects on the fact that the phrase “the nothing noths” can be eliminated by introducing a notation in which this sentence cannot be written. Wittgenstein believes that the disquiet will go away with this unhappy sentence and tries to treat the “sick” verb “to noth” applying to it various metaphors: a landscape or a maritime metaphor, a mechanical, an architectural, a decorative, a didactic and, finally—a digestive one. Oddly enough, it is from here (from the metaphor of stomach pain) that Wittgenstein takes a step toward the apt remark that “the words of phenomenologists are inarticulate sounds.”
Key words
Wittgenstein, Heidegger, analytic philosophy, phenomenology, problem of the phenomenological language, existential experience, philosophical disquiet.
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- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
Views: 3405
Author: | ONDŘEJ BERAN |
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 460-486 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-460-486 | PDF (Downloads: 4095) |
The paper explores some philosophical consequences of the phenomenological criticisms addressed (indirectly) to logical positivism. It introduces arguments by Husserl and Patočka concerning the duality inherent to the notion of world, as suggested by modern scientism: the real world is alleged to be different from, and hidden behind, the everyday appearance (perception) of the world and things within it. Carnap’s project of reconstructing (scientific) knowledge in reductionist terms of psychological—atomic sense-data—and, ultimately, physical objects distinguishes him from Husserl: for the latter, meaningful experience originates in primitive encounters with meaningful things. Both, however, share a certain preoccupation with reductionist analyses of scientific rigour, while this tendency has been abandoned in Wittgenstein’s works. His expanded notion of verification betrays motivations of a phenomenological kind. He tries to show that the relationship between simpler and more complex contents of knowledge is a relationship between contents playing different, but interlinked, roles within our practices of understanding and making ourselves intelligible. Understanding other people and the events in their lives in terms of a soul (and what happens to it) is not a marginal, eccentric, or derivative case: it is the central, primitive form of this understanding. Wittgenstein’s working with the notion of ‘soul’ parallels Husserl’s analyses from Ideas II.
Key words
Phenomenology, logical positivism, knowledge, natural world, verification, soul, Wittgenstein.
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