Studies in Phenomenology

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Author: Sergey Kulikov
Issue:HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 3, №2 (2014),  9-20
Document Type:Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2014-3-2-9-20 PDF (Downloads: 3397)

The main purpose of article is representation of conceptual introduction to a cycle of the future researches devoted to reconstruction of phenomenological views on processes of creation of images of science. That purpose is achieved as a result of detection of key features (the conceptual bases) of pre-phenomenological and phenomenological ways of a reflection of science. Research leans on a method of the comparative analysis. Classical and non-classical variant of creation of images of science were compared. Members of classical philosophy assumed that there is a way to present science in an image of unity of knowledge. Such image could be valid without any exceptions. Since works of Neo-kantianism, modern philosophy has developed the idea that creation of a uniform image of science is problematic. The phenomenology keeps classical idea of unity of images of science, but the unity is interpreted as a complex of «comprehension» intensions of consciousness. Such complex of intensions gives the horizon of judgment of each of images of science in terms of their relations to concrete subject domain. Theoretical value of the work consists in identification of conditions under which phenomenological approach leads to institutionalization of the pluralistic image of science. As a result research leads to the original conclusion that the problem of phenomenology consists in constituting a pluralistic image of science.

Key words
Philosophical and methodological studies, classical philosophy, non-classical philosophy, phenomenology, mission of phenomenology, uniformity of scientific knowledge, pluralism of images of science.


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