Studies in Phenomenology

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Title in the language of publication: ORTEGA Y GASSET AND THE QUESTION OF THE BODY
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 12, №2 (2023), 270–284
Language: English
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2023-12-2-270-284 PDF (Downloads: 535)

My essay is devoted to the very early and attractive understanding of the lived body in Ortega y Gasset’s thought. I focus especially on the text “Vitality, Soul, Spirit” of 1925, which can be considered a proto-phenomenological approach to the issue of embodiment. Ortega identifies “vitality” with “the intrabody” and makes the latter the founding dimension of subjectivity, at the basis of the affective sphere (“soul”) and at the basis of the intellectual and volitional sphere (“spirit”). In a manner very close to Husserl’s unpublished manuscripts, he also shows how the body is the only reality of which there is simultaneously external perception, as if it were just another thing in the world that everyone else can see, and internal perception, which only the self can have and feel. The study also points out, however, the two major difficulties that I detect in Ortega’s precocious attempt. A first doubt concerns the too sharp stratification of vitality, soul and spirit, as can be seen in the analysis of the experiences of pain and of mobility. A second doubt concerns the ontological hesitations surrounding Ortega’s position, which is torn between a coherent phenomenological perspective and a vitalist position in which my body is only an emanation of the lifestream of the universe.

Ortega y Gasset, body, phenomenology, vitality, first-person perspective, vitalism, pain, self-movement.


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