Studies in Phenomenology

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Author: Sergey Kulikov
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 6, №1 (2017), 97-115
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2017-6-1-97-115 PDF (Downloads: 3040)

The subject of our research is the features of naturalism and of historicism in the whole system of the scientific worldview. The author identifies and describes the types of naturalism, achieving the purpose of clarification of circumstances in which its separate options become complementary ways of scientific understanding of reality. The resulting picture is enriched with the features of historicism, introducing the element of relativity to the scientific views of the world. Special attention is paid to the possibility to reconstruct the eidos of science as a generalized ideal of research activities. The research methodology includes the implementation of the phenomenological research program, the foundations of which were laid in the works of Husserl. This program allows us to understand the idea of science in the framework of the ideal of cognitive activity, the roots of which date back to the writings of Aristotle. The phenomenological perspective of our research allows us to see the essential characteristics of both naturalism and historicism, to identify options for their constructive engagement. The result reveals a possibility to make a nontrivial conclusion about the relation between naturalism and historicism, for the debate of naturalism and of historicism, taken by itself, i.e. as relatively independent phenomenon, opens horizons of the internally unified consciousness understood in science in two ways. The first one is a set of research intentions of the validity; the second one coincides with the implicit dependence of the scientific worldview from the orientation to the historical changes of the foundations of self-reflection of science that, in fact, form the semantic structure of scientific knowledge as a unique ideal for research activities.

Key words
Naturalism, historicism, reflection, phenomenology, Husserl, Aristotle, scientific worldview.


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