- 27 December 2016
Article/Publication Details
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Title in the language of publication: |
Author: | Carina Pape |
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 5, №2 (2016),  271–289 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-2-271–289 | PDF (Downloads: 3791) |
Mikhail Bakhtin aimed to invent a phenomenology of the self-experience and of the experience
of the other in his early work. In order to realize such a phenomenology he combined different
approaches he called idealism and materialism / naturalism. The first one he linked to Edmund
Husserl, but did hardly name him directly concerning his phenomenology. Does this intersubjective
phenomenology give a hint that Bakhtin used Husserlian ideas more than considered yet? Or did
they both invent similar ideas independently from each other? Both thinkers dealt with the issue
of intersubjectivity. Husserl judged statements on other psycho-physical realities as metaphysics in
the Logical Investigations II, but in his Ideas I he described the others as enhancing one’s experience
through their “experiential surpluses”. In the same way Bakhtin described the unique perspective of
the other as a mandatory and valuable part of the world of the act in his Philosophy of the Act and his
investigations on Author and Hero. In order to understand the influence of Husserl’s phenomenology
for Bakhtin’s early philosophy we need to take a look closer at those contentual parallels as well as
some paraphrases yet unnoticed. This gives hint for the question if for Bakhtin Husserl was more
than just a name dropped. In this article I reconstructed the relations between both thinkers and
answered the question if the dating of Bakhtin’s early work until 1928 has to be re-considered.
Key words
Intersubjectivity, materialism, idealism, pluralism, life world, the other.
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