Studies in Phenomenology

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Title in the language of publication: Г. ФАЙХИНГЕР И РАННИЙ ГУССЕРЛЬ:
Author: Nelly Motroshilova
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 5, №2 (2016),  290–307
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article
DOI : 10.18199/2226-5260-2016-5-2-290–307 PDF (Downloads: 3335)

This article is conceived as a rather unusual comparison of the two ways in philosophy, as well as of the same ideas of H. Vaihinger, on the one one hand, and of early E. Husserl, on the other hand – in the period, when they were the colleagues at Halle University to the end of XIX-th century. The analysis, given in this article, is concentrated on the special problems as follows: – the early “objective” juxtaposition to the end XIX-th century of the naturalism, positivism, pragmatism as represented by H. Vaihinger and of the anti-naturalistic orientation of early Husserl; – the H. Vaihinger’s “Die Philosophie des Als Ob” and some ideas of Husserl (“Logische Untersuchungen”) about so called “the laws of nature” as “idealized fictions”. Special attention in the work of H. Vaihinger also deserves his important historical and philosophical investigations. This is, for example, his comments to Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason”. It must be said that the philosophy of H. Vaihinger still very poor explored, as well as the works of early Husserl. The author intends to shed light on this poorly explored subject.

Key words
Early Vaihinger, Vaihinger’s philosophy “als ob”, early “naturalism”, early “positivism”, early “pragmatism”, early Husserlian philosophy.


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